Strong semistability/Arithmetic and geometric deformations/description

Let be a smooth projective relative curve, where is a domain. A vector bundle over induces on every fiber a vector bundle. If is semistable in the generic fiber, then it is also semistable for the fibers over a non-empty open set of . What can we say about strong semistability?

We have to distinguish two forms of deformations:

  • Arithmetic deformations: contains . Here the generic fiber is in characteristic zero, and suppose the bundle is semistable on the generic fiber. What can we say about strong semistability on the special fibers?

A problem of Miyaoka (85) asks in this setting (for of dimension one): does there exist infinitely many closed points in such that is strongly semistable on ?

This is still open, but the stronger question whether for almost all closed points the restricition is strongly semistable (asked by Shepherd-Barron) has a negative answer.

  • Geometric deformations: contains . Here suppose that the bundle on the generic fiber is strongly semistable. Then makes sense everywhere and it is semistable on the fibers over an open subset , however this subset depends on and the intersection might become smaller and smaller.

In retrospective, Paul Monsky provided for both questions counter-examples. His results were formulated in terms of Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity, but this can be translated to strong semistability by work of Brenner and Trivedi.