E-Teaching und E-Learning mit Web 2.0 Werkzeugen

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Willkommen zum Kursus "E-Lehre und E-Lernen mit Werkzeugen des Web 2.0" — in diesem Kurs lernen Sie verschiedene Zugänge aus dem Bereich des „Blended Learning" kennen.

Unser Schwerpunkt wird auf der Erarbeitung von Werkzeugen liegen, die ihre Lehre unterstützen, wie zum Beispiel: Lern-Managementsysteme (LMS) wie Moodle, Blog-Software wie WordPress; Werkzeuge für die Projekt- und Gruppenarbeit, und vieles andere mehr.

Zu Beginn des Kurses bitte ich Sie, im Diskussions-Forum in Moodle kurz zu Ihren E-Learning Erfahrungen & Erwartungen Stellung zu nehmen!

  • How an Open Scientist can use Twitter
  • Udacity Founder und MOOC-Vater Sebastian Thrun über die Zukunft des Lernens — Facial Analysis Software Spots Struggling Students (MIT Tech Review)
  • Out of Orbit: The Life and Times of Marshall McLuhan (Video, 1999)
  • Attack of the MOOCs (Economist)
  • E-Portfolios: Moodle and Mahara
  • Moodle2Tool Guide: English | Deutsch
  • »We mixed two different well-established platforms, Moodle and Wiki, and an agile project management method, Scrum, to improve student interaction, sharing of results among students, co-creation of course material by both students and lecturer, and increase timely feedback for students during term. We found that use of a Wiki improved interaction and sharing; feedback from the lecturer and the application of the scrum methodology to manage term projects were received more positively by the MBA students than by the BA students; co-creation in the sense of editing course materials in the Wiki was not taken up by the students of either group. Regarding our initial hypothesis we conclude that the combination of established tools with an innovative process method can address well-known shortfalls of blended learning. At the same time, the mash-up that we administered to our students did not by itself bring about co-creation of learning materials even though all the tools employed are commonly classified as Web 2.0 tools. We will investigate this remaining issue more closely in future work, keeping in mind that while institutions of higher education are only beginning to embrace Web 2.0 paradigms, many of the students must be assumed to be users of increasingly sophisticated, fast, mobile social media applications. Social media have hardly entered the classroom for serious didactic purposes yet (Bosch 2009). We would like to infer that the social, professional or economical boundaries between different participants are in the way, but our data do not entitle us to more than speculation (Moran et al 2011).«
Bosch T (2009) Using online social networking for teaching and learning: Facebook use at the University of Cape Town, in: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, Volume 35, Issue 2, 2009, p. 185-200.
Moran, M, Seaman, J and Tinti-Kane, H (2011) Teaching, Learning and Sharing: How Today’s Higher Education Faculty Use Social Media, Babson Survey Research Group Report, April 2011; online: http://1.usa.gov/1aEEmFR