Benutzer:Chi-Vinh/Testgelände/Social Movement -Unions



A lot has been produced about organizing in the past few years: books, case studies, research reports, toolkits, web-based materials, films, and more. As we developed the GrantCraft guide, Funding Community Organizing: Social Change through Civic Participation (available at, grantmakers recommended some excellent resources, compiled below. You’ll find general organizing print and film resources as well as materials on some of the major branches of organizing in the United States: congregation- or faith-based, education, immigration, and youth organizing. We offer special thanks to Cyrus Driver and the Working Group on Education Organizing, and Maria Mottola and Kevin Ryan of the New York Foundation for their significant contributions to this list.

General Resources on Community Organizing

  • Dave Beckwith and Cristina Lopez. Community Organizing: People Power from the

Grassroots. Availabe at: Kim Bobo, Steve Max, and Jackie Kendall. Organizing for Social Change: The Midwest Academy Manual for Activists, 3rd Edition. Seven Locks Press, 2001.

  • Marguerite Casey Foundation. Three organizing case studies.

Available at: s /

  • Center for Community Change. The Linchpin Campaign to expand resources for

community organizing. Available at:

  • Henry G. Cisneros, editor. Interwoven Destinies: Cities and the Nation. Norton,


Among the 13 accessible essays compiled here is “Reweaving the Fabric: The Iron Rule and the IAF Strategy for Power and Politics” by Ernesto Cortes, one of the premier community organizers in the Industrial Areas Foundation network of organizations. This essay describes the so-called “Iron Rule” of community organizing: Never do for others what they can learn to do for themselves.

  • COMM-ORG Listserve, “to link academics and activists, and theory and practice,

toward the goal of improving community organizing and its related crafts.” http://commorg.

  • Gary Delgado. The Last Stop Sign. Shelterforce Online, November/December 1998,

  • Robert Fisher. Neighborhood Organizing: The Importance of Historical Context.

1995. Available at:

  • Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. Community

Organizing: A Populist Base for Social Equity and Smart Growth. Livable Communities @ Work, Vol. 1, No. 1. 2002. Available at:

  • Marshall Ganz. Web Module on Organizing. Hauser Center for Nonprofit

Organizations, Kennedy School for Government, Harvard University. Available at:

  • Michael Gecan. Going Public: An Inside Story of Disrupting Politics as Usual.

Beacon Press, 2004. An inside story of how a city really works and how any organized group of citizens can wield power in seemingly unmovable bureaucracies. Gecan offers unforgettable lessons that every American should know: What is the best way to talk to politicians? What resources do all communities need to create change? What kinds of public actions really work? The final chapter on bureaucratic, and market, cultures is particularly useful.

  • Mark Winston Griffith. The Black Organizer Blues. Gotham Gazette, July 7, 2003,

available at:

  • Judy Hertz. Organizing for Change: Stories of Success. 2002. Available at:

  • Joan Minieri and Paul Getsos. Tools for Radical Democracy: How to Organize for

Power in Your Community. Jossey-Bass, 2007.

  • Needmor Fund. The Needmor Fund: 50 Years, 50 Stories. 2008. Available from


  • Larry Parachikni, & Sally Covington. Community Organizing Toolbox.

Neighborhood Funders Group, 2001.

A useful tool to help funders integrate community organizing into grantmaking strategies. Available at: Charles M. Payne. I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle. University of California Press, 1995.

  • Robert R. Putnam. Better Together: Restoring the American Community.

Simon and Schuster, 2003.

In response to civic crises and local problems, meet people driven by their vision to succeed by building community, often in innovative ways that may turn out to be appropriate for the twenty-first century: Mexican Americans in the Rio Grande Valley who want paved roads, running water, and decent schools; Harvard clerical workers searching for respect and improved working conditions; Wisconsin schoolchildren organizing to improve safety at a local railroad crossing; and Tupelo merchants joining with farmers to improve their economic status. Chapters 1 and 4 focus especially on community organizing.

  • Rinku Sen. Stir It Up: Lessons in Community Organizing and Advocacy. Jossey-

Bass, 2003.

  • Kristin Layng Szakos and Joe Szakos. We Make Change: Community

Organizers Talk About What They Do — And Why. Vanderbilt University Press, 2007.

  • Shel Trapp. Basics of Organizing: You Can’t Build A Machine Without Nuts and

Bolts. National Training and Information Center. 1986. Available at:

  • Shel Trapp. Dynamics of Organizing. National Training and Information Center, 1976.

Available at:

  • Congregation- or Faith-Based Organizing

Interfaith Funders. Publications. Available at:

See, in particular:

  • Mark R. Warren and Richard L. Wood. Faith-Based Community Organizing:

The State of the Field. Interfaith Funders, 2001. Available at: http://commorg.

  • Mary Beth Rogers. Cold Anger: A Story of Faith and Power Politics. University of

North Texas Press, 1990.

  • Mark R. Warren. Dry Bones Rattling: Community Building to Revitalize American

Democracy. Princeton University Press, 2001.

An in-depth treatment of how to rebuild the social capital of America's communities while promoting racially inclusive, democratic participation, this study profiles the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) network in Texas and the Southwest and it’s role in reviving democratic life in the inner city. It shows how the IAF network helps unlikely collaborators - interfaith leaders from poor communities of color and those from more affluent communities – to build organizations with the power to construct affordable housing, create job-training programs, improve schools, expand public services, and increase neighborhood safety.

  • Richard L. Wood. Faith in Action: Religion, Race, and Democratic Organizing in

America. University of Chicago Press, 2002. Over the past 15 years, associations throughout the US have organized citizens around issues of equality and social justice, often through local churches, to reshape public policies that neglect the disadvantaged. Wood explores how this faith-based form of community organizing succeeds by comparing two local groups in Oakland, CA. He argues that the alternative culture and strategies of these two groups give them radically different access to community ties and social capital.

Education Organizing

  • A. S. Bryk and B. L. Schneider. Trust in Schools: A Core Resource for

Improvement. Russell Sage Foundation, 2002. Over the course of three years, 12 Chicago elementary schools were studied as they underwent extensive reorganization in response to the Chicago School Reform Act of 1988, which called for greater involvement of parents and community leaders in their neighborhood schools. Drawing on a longitudinal survey and achievement data, as well as in-depth interviews with principals, teachers, parents, and community leaders, the authors develop an account of how effective social relationships – which they term relational trust – serve as a prime resource for school improvement.

  • Center for Community Change. Publications on education organizing.

Available at: Community Involvement Program of Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University. Publications. Available at:

See, in particular:

  • Kavitha Mediratta, Seema Shah, Sara McAlister. Organized Communities,

Stronger Schools: A Preview of Research Findings, 2008.

  • Concha Delgado-Gaitan and Trueba Enrique. The Power of the Community:

Mobilizing for Family and Schooling. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001. Delgado-Gaitan began literacy research in Carpinteria, California, at a time when Mexican immigrant workers had almost no voice in how their children were educated. Regular community gatherings gave birth to a community organization that reached out to everyone in the community, not just other Latino families. In a society that accentuates individualism and independence, these men and women look to their community for leadership, support, and resources for children, developing a fresh approach and workable solutions to the problems that face schools today.

  • Norm Fruchter. Urban Schools, Public Will: Making Education Work for All Our

Children. Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2007.

  • Kavitha Mediratta, Norm Fruchter, & Anne Lewis. Organizing for School Reform: How

Communities Are Finding Their Voice and Reclaiming their Public Schools. 2002. Public Interest Projects. Communities for Public Education Reform: A Fund for

  • Education Organizing. Available at: Jonathan Schorr. Hard Lessons: The Promise of an Inner-City Charter School. Ballantine, 2002.

  • The E.C. Reems Academy, a charter school-in-progress established by the Oakland

Community Organization, gave Jonathan Schorr complete access to the students, teachers, and parents. Schorr documents the school’s struggle to increase its effectiveness in teaching children from neighborhoods where success is rare, all the while trying to avoid becoming a self-sabotaging bureaucracy. Through successes and setbacks, Hard Lessons reveals just how difficult it is, even with the best of intentions, to offer a quality education to every child in America.

Immigration Organizing

  • Center for Community Change. Fair Immigration Reform Movement. Toolkit and other

publications. Available at:

  • Louis DeSipio. Immigrant Organizing, Civic Outcomes: Civic Engagement,

Political Activity, National Attachment, and Identity in Latino Immigrant Communities. Center for the Study of Democracy, 2002. Available at:

  • Craig McGarvey. Pursuing Democracy’s Promise: Newcomer Civic Participation in

America. Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees and Funders’ Committee on Civic Participation. 2004. Available at:

  • Public Interest Projects. Four Freedoms Fund, “a national funding collaborative to

energize American democracy by supporting and engaging immigrants and refugees.” Available at: Saurav Sarkar. Immigrant Organizing, Gotham Gazette, April 2006, Available at:

Youth Organizing

  • Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing. Occasional Papers Series and other

publications. Available at:

  • Pedro Noguera, Shawn Ginwright and Julio Cammarota. Beyond Resistance! Youth

Activism and Community Change: New Democratic Possibilities for Practice and Policy for America's Youth. Taylor and Francis Group, 2006.

  • Building Hope: Community Development in America. Pratt Center for Community

Development, 1994. A unique documentary that takes up the history of community development corporations and their origins in community protest and organizing efforts.

  • Bill Duke. The Killing Floor. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 1985. Feature film about the 1919 Chicago race riots. It focuses on African-American migration from the south, their ghettoization in the City of Chicago, efforts of workers in the meatpacking industry there to unionize, and the tensions that led to the riots.

  • Ginny Durin. Promises to Keep. Durrin Productions Inc., 1988. The work of Mitch Snyder, a homeless advocate, is the subject of this documentary. It looks at how Snyder, along with the Community for Creative Non-Violence organized during the 1980 in response to federal housing cuts and rising homelessness.

  • Rob Epstein. The Times of Harvey Milk. Black Sand Productions, 1996. In its examination of the rise of gay politics in San Francisco, CA, this documentary highlights the importance of coalitions and the link between grassroots organizing and electoral politics.

  • Barack Goodman. Daley: The Last Boss. Social Media Productions, 1996. Documentary about Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago, IL – father of the current mayor – and how he ran his urban political machine. It shows what community groups are up against, but it also shows how to build a political/electoral organization that can deliver the goods.

  • Slawomir Grunberg. Fenceline: A Company Town Divided. LogTV Ltd., 2002. A documentary on community organizing that takes on environmental justice issues. The film looks at a community called "Diamond" located near a Shell chemical processing plant in Norco, LA. The community struggles to be relocated and eventually 'wins' their request for relocation.

  • Robert Houston. Might Times: The Children's March. HBO Family, 2004. This 20-minute film is about young people organizing in Birmingham, Alabama when the elders were encouraging slowing down civil rights organizing. LAANE. David Beats Goliath: How Inglewood Defeated Wal-Mart. LAANE, 2004. A 10-minute documentary, sponsored by the LA Alliance for a New Economy, about a community-labor coalition’s victorious fight to turn back Wal-Mart's efforts to locate a mega-story in Inglewood.

  • Ken Loach. Bread & Roses. Parallax Pictures, 2000. Maya (Pilar Padilla) is appalled at the work conditions and unfair labor practices at her job as a janitor in a downtown Los Angeles office building. She teams up with Sam (Adrian Brody), a labor organizer, in a stirring fight against her ruthless employer. The film is based on the Justice for Janitors campaign among Los Angeles’ immigrant workers. It was a selection of the 2000 Cannes Film Festival.

  • John Sayles. City of Hope. Esperanza Films Inc., 1991. A feature film about urban politics by director John Sayles. It focuses on the tensions between urban redevelopment and community development in a city undergoing gentrification; based on Jersey City or Hoboken, NJ. It has some interesting scenes about organizing and politics.

  • Tim Ward. Hull House: The House that Jane Built. 1991.

Documentary about the first wave of urban social reform at the turn of the 20th Century, focusing on women reformers in the settlement house movement.

Community Organizing & Feminist Action


VI. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL CHANGE A. Community Organizing and Feminist Action

Abraham, Margaret (1995). Ethnicity, Gender, and Marital Violence: South Asian Women's Organizations in the United States. Gender & Society, 9(4), 450-468.

John Braithwhaite and Kathleen Daly (1998). Masculinities, Violence, and Communitarian Control. In Susan Miller (Ed.), Crime Control and Women: Feminist Implications of Criminal Justice Policy, Sage (pp. 151-180). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.

Cran, Beth, La France, Jeannie, and Silver, Erika (1999). Lesbians and Bisexual Women Working Together Against Violence: The Story of Bradley-Angle House. Dulwich Centre Newsletter, 1, 46-.

DeKeseredy and MacLeod, Sincerely Seeking Solutions to Woman Abuse, Woman Abuse: A Sociological Story, Ch. 7.

Della-Giustina, Jo-Ann (2003). Violence Against Women in the Home: A Community Proposal. Paper delivered at the Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists (Havana, Cuba).

Fine, Michelle (1995). The Politics of Research and Activism: Violence Against Women. In Barbara Raffel Price and Natalie J. Sokoloff (Eds.), The Criminal Justice System and Women: Offenders, Victims, and Workers (pp. 433-440). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Fugate, Michelle (in progress). Providing a Citywide System of Single Point Access to Domestic Violence Information, Resources, and Referrals to a Diverse Population: An Evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line. Rockville, MD: National Criminal Justice Reference Service.

Garcia, Martha Lucia (1999). A “New Kind” of Battered Woman: Challenges for the Movement. In Beth Leventhal and Sandra Lundy (Eds.), Same-Sex Domestic Violence: Strategies for Change (pp. 165-171). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Gill, A., and G. Rehman. 2004. Empowerment through Activism: Responding to Domestic Violence in the South Asian Community in London. Gender and Development, 12(1), 75-82.

Heise, Lori L. (1996). Violence Against Women: Global Organizing for Change. In J. L. Edleson and Z. C. Eisikovits (Eds.), Future Interventions With Battered Women and Their Families (pp. 7-33). London: Sage.

Incite!/Critical Resistance Statement (2005). Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex: Interpersonal and State Violence against Women of Color, with an Introduction by Julia Sudbury. In Natalie J Sokoloff (Ed.) (with Christina Pratt). Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings in Race, Class, Gender & Culture. Piscataway (pp. 102-114). NJ: Rutgers University.

Jenkins, Pamela, and Davidson, Barbara (2001). Stopping Domestic Violence: How a Community Can Prevent Spousal Abuse. New York: Kluwer.

Kulwicki, Anahid Devartanian, and Miller, June (1999). Domestic Violence in the Arab American Population: Transforming Environmental Conditions through Community Education. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 20(3), 199-215.

Marin, Leni, Ed. (1996). Organizing a Community-Based Response to Domestic Violence: The Filipino Experience. Family Violence Prevention Fund. (Suite 304, San Francisco, CA 94103. 415-252-8900. )

Nicarthy, Ginny (1989). From the Sounds of Silence to the Roar of a Global Movement: Notes on the Movement against Violence against Women. Response, 12(2), 3-10.

Oliver, William (2000). Preventing Domestic Violence in the African American Community: The Rationale for Popular Culture Interventions. Violence Against Women, 6(5), 533-.

Pratt, Christina, and Sokoloff, Natalie J. (2005). Structural Contexts, Culturally Competent Approaches, Community Organizing, and Social Change. (Introduction to Part III). In Natalie J. Sokoloff (Ed.) (with Christina Pratt). Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings in Race, Class, Gender & Culture (pp. 293-300). Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University.

Preisser, Amita Bhandari (1999). Domestic Violence in South Asian Communities in America: Advocacy and Intervention. Violence Against Women, 5(6), 684-.

Ristock, J. L. (1997). The Cultural Politics of Abuse in Lesbian Relationships: Challenges for Community Action. In N.V. Benokraitis (Ed.), Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change (pp. 279-298). London: Sage.

Rodriguez, Noelie Maria. (1988). Transcending Bureaucracy: Feminist Politics at a Shelter for Battered Women. Gender & Society, 2 (2/June), 214-227.

Roth, K. (1994). Domestic Violence as an International Human Rights Issue. In R.J. Cook (Ed.), Human Rights for Women: National and International Perspectives (pp. 326-339). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

Scott, Ellen K. (1998). Creating Partnerships for Change: Alliances and Betrayals in the Racial Politics of Two Feminist Organizations. Gender & Society, 12(4), 400-423.

Smith, Andrea (2005). Looking to the Future: Domestic Violence, Women of Color, the State, and Social Change. In Natalie J. Sokoloff (Ed.) (with Christina Pratt), Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings in Race, Class, Gender & Culture (pp. 416-434). Piscataway, N.J.: Rutgers University.

Smith, Andrea (2005). Review: Restorative Justice and Family Violence. Violence Against Women, 11(5), 724-730.

Smith, B., Nickles, L., Mulmat, D. & Davies, H. (2003). Helping Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Law Enforcement and Community Partnerships. Rockville, MD: National Criminal Justice Reference Service (193416).

Sun-Hee Park, Lisa (1997). Navigating the Anti-Immigrant Wave: The Korean Women's Hotline and the Politics of Community. In Nancy Naples (Ed.), Community Activism and Feminist Politics: Organizing Across Race, Class and Gender (pp. 175-195). New York: Routledge.

Uekert, Brenda (in progress). Serving Limited English Proficient (LEP) Battered Women: A National Survey of the Courts’ Capacity to Provide Protection Orders. Rockville, MD: National Criminal Justice Reference Service.

Waldron, Charlene (1996). Lesbians of Co1or and the Domestic Violence Movement. In Claire Renzetti and Charles Harvey Miley (Eds.), Violence in Gay and Lesbian Domestic Partnerships (pp. 43-52). New York: Harrington/Haworth.

Wang, Karin (1996). Battered Asian American Women: Community Responses from the Battered Women's Movement and the Asian American Community. Asian Law Journal, 3, 151-184.

Warrier, Sujata and Vickii Coffey (1998). Achieving Effective Domestic Violence Public Education in a Diverse Society: A Solution-Oriented Approach. New York State Coalition against Domestic Violence.

Williams, Oliver J. (1993). Developing an African American Perspective to Reduce Spouse Abuse: Considerations for Community Action. The Caucus: The Journal of the National Association of Social Workers, 1(2), 1-7.

Wilson, M.N., Cobb, D.D., and Dolan, R. T. (1987). Raising the Awareness of Wife Battering in Rural Black Areas of Central Virginia: A Community Outreach Approach. In Robert L. Hampton (Ed.), Violence in the Black

Family: Correlates and Consequences (pp. 121-131). Lexington: Lexington.

Wimberly, Edward (2000). The Civil Rights Movement as a Potential Mentoring Model for Ending Domestic Abuse. The Journal of Religion and Abuse: Advocacy, Pastoral Care and Prevention, 2(1).

With An End in Sight (2000). United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). Available at

Wray, R., Hornik, R., Gandy, O., Stryker, J., Ghez, M., Mitchell-Clark, K. (2004). Preventing Domestic Violence in the African American Community: Assessing the Impact of a Dramatic Radio Serial. Journal of Health Communication, 9(1): 31-52.

B. Cultural Competence and Services to Battered Women

Almeida, Rhea, and Lockard, Judith (2005). The Cultural Context Model: A New Paradigm for Accountability, Empowerment, and the Development of Critical Consciousness against Domestic Violence. In Natalie J. Sokoloff (Ed.) (with Christina Pratt), Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings in Race, Class, Gender & Culture (pp. 301-320). Piscataway, N.J.: Rutgers University.

Almeida, Rhea, and Dolan-Delvecchio, Ken (1999). Addressing Culture in Batterers Intervention: The Asian Indian Community as an Illustrative Example. Violence Against Women, 5(6), 654-.

Almeida, Rhea, and Durkin, Tracy (1999). The Cultural Context Model: Therapy for Couples with Domestic Violence. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 25 (3) , 313-.

American Psychological Association (1993). Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations. American Psychologist, (January), 45-48.

Austin Community Domestic Violence Project: A Blueprint for Raising Community Awareness and Promoting Local Action. 1999. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Available at

Bell, Carl, and Mattis, Jacqueline (2000). The Importance of Cultural Competence in Ministering to African American Victims of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 6(5/May), 515-.

Bent-Goodley, Tricia B. (2005). Culture and Domestic Violence: Transforming Knowledge Development. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(2): 195-203.

Bent-Goodley, T. B. (2001). Eradicating Domestic Violence in the African American Community: A Literature Review and Action Agenda. Trauma Violence and Abuse, 2(4), 316-330.

Bent-Goodley, Tricia B. (1998). A Poor African-American Community’s Response towards Domestic Violence. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 58(12), 4808-A.

Bograd, Michele (1999). Strengthening Domestic Violence Theories: Intersections of Race, Class, Sexual Orientation, and Gender. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 25(3), 275-.

Bonilla-Santiago, Gloria (1996). Latina Battered Women: Barriers to Service Delivery and Cultural Considerations. In Albert R. Roberts (Ed.), Helping Battered Women: New Perspectives and Remedies (pp. 229- 234). New York: Oxford University.

Bradford, J., Ryan, C., and Rothblum, E. D. (1994). National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for Mental Health Care. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 228-242.

Burman, Erica, Sophie Smailes and Khatidja Chantler (2004). “Culture” as a Barrier to Service Provision and Delivery: Domestic Violence Services for Minoritized Women. Critical Social Policy, 24(3): 332-357. (London: Sage).

Campbell, D. W. (1993). Nursing Care of African American Battered Women: Afrocentric Perspectives: AWHONNS Clinical Issues in Perinatal and Women's Health Nursing, 4, 407-415.

Carmen, Elaine (Hilberman) (1995). Inner City Community Mental Health: The Interplay of Abuse and Race in Chronic Mentally III Women. In Elaine Carmen (Ed.), Mental Health, Racism, and Sexism. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh.

Cazenave, N. A. and Straus, M. A. (1979). Race, Class, Network Embeddedness and Family Violence: A Search for Potent Support Systems. Journal of Comparative Family Systems, 10(3), 281-300.

Cervantes, N., and Cervantes, J. (1993). A Multicultural Perspective in the Treatment of Domestic Violence. In M. Hansen and M. Harway (Eds.), Battering and Family Therapy: A Feminist Perspective (pp. 156-174). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Coker, Donna (1999). Enhancing Autonomy for Battered Women: Lessons from Navajo Peacemaking. UCLA Law Review, October, 47, 1-.

Cole, Patricia (2001). Impoverished Women in Violent Partnerships: Designing Services to Fit Their Reality. Violence Against Women, 7(2), 222-.

Coley, S. M., and Beckett, J. 0. (1988). Black Battered Women: Practice Issues. Social Casework: Journal of Contemporary Social Work, October, 483-490. Community Checklist for Reaching Underserved Communities (1999). National Training Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. Available at

Crites, L. (1990). Cross-cultural Counseling in Wife Beating Cases. Response to Victimization of Women and Children, 13(4), 8-12.

Da Luz, Carla M. (1994). A Legal and Social Comparison of Heterosexual and Same-Sex Domestic Violence: Similar Inadequacies in Legal Recognition and Response. South California Review of Law & Women's Studies, 4, 251-.

deMendoza, V. B. ( ). Culturally Appropriate Care for Pregnant Latina Women Who Are Victims of Domestic Abuse. 2001. JOGNN, 30(6), 579-588. (J. B. Lippincott)

Donnelly, Denise, Cook, Kimberly, Van Ausdale, Debra, and Foley, Lara (2005). White Privilege, Color Blindness, and Services to Battered Women. Violence Against Women, 11(1), 6-37.-.

Donnelly, Denise, and Cook, Kimberly (1999). Provision and Exclusion: The Dual Face of Services to Battered Women in Three Deep South States. Violence Against Women, 5(7), 710-.

Family Violence Prevention Fund (nod.). Working With Battered Immigrant Women: A Handbook to Make Services Accessible. Author: Leti Volpp. Editor: Leni Marin. San Francisco: Family Violence Prevention Fund.

Flitcraft, Anne H. (1995). Clinical Violence Intervention: Lessons from Battered Women. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 6, 187-197.

Fugate, Michelle (in progress). Providing a Citywide System of Single Point Access to Domestic Violence Information, Resources, and Referrals to a Diverse Population: An Evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line. Rockville, MD: National Criminal Justice Reference Service.

Gondolf, Edward W. (1998). Appreciating Diversity among Battered Women. In Edward W. Gondolf (Ed.), Assessing Woman Battering in Mental Health Services (pp. 113-131). London: Sage.

Hampton, Jean (1989). Emotional Consequences of Victimization and Discrimination in "Special Populations" of Women. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 12(1) , 35-51.

Hawkins, Darnell (1987). Devalued Lives and Racial Stereotypes: Barriers to Prevention of Family Violence among Blacks. In Robert Hampton (Ed.), Violence in the Black Family: Correlates and Consequences (pp. 189-205). Lexington, MA: Lexington.

Ho, C. K. (1990). An Analysis of Domestic Violence in Asian American Communities: A Multicultural Approach to Counseling. In L. S. Brown and M. Root (Eds.), Diversity and Complexity in Feminist Therapy (pp. 129- 150). New York: Harrington Park.

Hudgins, R. L. (1990). Professional Considerations for Those Working with Women of Color Survivors of Lesbian Battering. In P. Elliott (Ed.), Confronting Lesbian Battering: A Manual for the Battered Women's Movement (pp. 158-160).St. Paul, MN: Lesbian Battering Intervention Project.

Huisman, K. A. (1996). Wife Battering in Asian American Communities: Identifying the Service Needs of an Overlooked Segment of the U.S. Population. Violence Against Women, 2(3), 260-283.

It Is Your Business (Action Kit) (1999). San Francisco: Family Violence Prevention Fund and the National Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community. Available at

Jarrett, R.L. and Jefferson, S.M. (2004). Women’s Danger Management Strategies in an Inner-City Housing Project. Family Relations, 53(2): 138-147.

Lee, Mo-Yee. 2000. Understanding Chinese Battered Women in North America: A Review of the Literature and Practice Implications. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 8(3l4), 215-.

Lee, M. and Au, P. (1998). Chine Battered Women in North America: Their Experiences and Treatment. In A. R. Roberts (Ed.), Battered Women and Their Families: Intervention Strategies and treatment Programs (pp. 448-482). New York: Springer.

Leeder, E. (1988). Enmeshed in Pain: Counseling the Lesbian Battering Couple. Women and Therapy, 7(1), 81-99.

Lotus Project: Domestic Violence Prevention in the Asian American Communities (manual) (1999). San Franciso: Asian Women’s Shelter.

Lovell, M. L., Tran, T. and Nguyen, C. D. (1987). (Southeast Asian) Refugee Women: Lives in Transition. International Social Work, 30, 317- 325.

Low, Goergiana, and Organista, Kurt (2000). Latinas and Sexual Assault: Towards Culturally Sensitive Assessment and Intervention. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 8(1/2), 131-157.

Man to Man Brochure: As an African American Man You Have the Power to Stop Domestic Violence. (1999). San Francisco: Family Violence Prevention Fund and the National Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community. Available at

Margolies, Liz and Leeder, Elaine (1995). Violence at the Door: Treatment of Lesbian Batterers. Violence Against Women, (2), 139-157.

Marin, Leni, Ed. (1996). Organizing a Community-Based Response to Domestic Violence: The Filipino Experience. Family Violence Prevention Fund. (Suite 304, San Francisco, CA 94103. 415-252-8900. )

Mehra, V. (2004). Culturally Competent Responses for Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence in Dental Care Settings. CDA, 32(5), 387-395.

Mendez, Juan (1996). Serving Gays and Lesbians of Color Who Are Survivors of Violence. In Claire Renzetti and Charles Harvey Miley (Eds.), Violence in Gay And Lesbian Domestic Partnerships (pp. 53-59). New York: Harrington/Haworth.

Merchant, Munira (2000). A Comparative Study of Agencies Assisting Domestic Violence Victims: Does the South Asian Community Have Special Needs? Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 9(3), 249-259.

Miles-Doan, R. (1998). Violence between Spouses and Intimates: Does Neighborhood Context Matter? Social Forces, 77, 623-645.

Organizing a Community-Based Response to Domestic Violence: The Filipino Experience (1996). San Francisco: Family Violence Prevention Fund. Available at

Orloff, L. E., Jang, D., and Klein, C. F. (1995). With No Place to Turn: Improving Legal Advocacy for Battered Immigrant Women. Family Law Quarterly, 29(2) , 313-329.

Peaceful Homes, Healthy Relationships (1999). San Francisco: Asian Women’s Shelter and the Korean American Services Coalition.

Pratt, Christina, and Sokoloff, Natalie J. (2005). Structural Contexts, Culturally Competent Approaches, Community Organizing, and Social Change. (Introduction to Part III). In Natalie J. Sokoloff (Ed.) (with Christina Pratt). Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings in Race, Class, Gender & Culture (pp. 293-300). Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University.

Preisser, Amita Bhandari (1999). Domestic Violence in South Asian Communities in America: Advocacy and Intervention. Violence Against Women, 5 ( 6) , 684-.

Lois Presser and Emily Gaarder (2003). Can Restorative Justice Reduce Battering? In Barbara Raffel Price and Natalie J. Sokoloff (Eds), The Criminal Justice System and Women, 3rd Ed. (Ch. 25). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Richie, Beth E. (1988). Understanding Family Violence Within U.S. Refugee Communities: A Training Manual. Washington, DC: Refugee Women in Development.

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