Endlicher Körper/Projektive glatte Kurve/Vektorbündel/Endliche Annulation/Harder-Narasimhan-Kriterium/Fakt/en/Beweis


Suppose that (1) holds. Then the torsor is not affine and hence by Fakt also (2) holds.

So suppose that (2) is true. By applying a certain power of the Frobenius we may assume that the image of the cohomology class in is . Hence the class stems from a cohomology class . We look at the short exact sequence

where the sheaf of the right hand side has a nonnegative degree. Therefore the image of in can be annihilated by a finite morphism due to Fakt. Hence after applying a finite morphism we may assume that stems from a cohomology class . Going on inductively we see that can be annihilated by a finite morphism.