Fachbereich Bibliographie

IT Nomaden

Reise, Tourismus, Backpacker Bearbeiten

Abram, S., J. Waldren und D. Macleod (1997): Tourists and Tourism. Identi- fying with People and Places. Oxford: Berg Publishers.

Adler, 1. (1985): Youth on the Road: Reflection on the History of Tramping. In: Annals ofTourism Research, Vol. 12,335-354.

Adler, J. (1989): Origins of Sightseeing. In: Annals ofTourism Research, Vol. 16,7-19.

Albrow, M. (1997): Travelling Beyond Local Cultures. Socioscapes in a Global City. In: Eade, 1. (Hg.).: Living in the Global City. Globalization as Local Processes. London: Ashgate.

Alexander, J. (1988): The New Theoretical Movement. In: Smelser, N. (Hg.): Handbook ofSociology. London: Sage, 77-101.

Allmer, H. (2001): Urlaub - Erholung oder Stress? In: Keul, A. u.a. (Hg.): Gesund durch Erleben? Beiträge zur Erforschung der Tourismusgesell- schaft. München: Profil, 54-60.

Alneng, V. (2002): The Modem Does Not Cater For Natives. Travel Ethnog- raphy and the Conventions of Form. In: Tourist Studies. Vol. 2, Nr. 2, 119- 142.

Appadurai, A. (1991): Global Ethnoscape. Notes and Queries for a Transna- tional Anthropology. In: Fox, R. (Hg.): Recapturing Anthropology. School of American Research Press.

Appadurai, A. (1996): Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globaliza- tion. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ateljevic, 1. und S. Doorne (2004): Theoretical Encounters: A Review of Backpacker Literature. In: Richards, G. Und J. Wilson (Hg.): The Global Nomad. Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice. Clevedon: Channel View Publications, 60-76.

Bauman, z. (1996): From Pilgrim to Tourist - Or a Short History of Identity. In: Hall, S. and P. du Gay (Hg.): Questions of Cultural Identity. London: Sage.

Bauman, Z. (1999): Das Unbehagen in der Postmoderne. Hamburg: Hambur- ger Edition.

Bausinger, H., K. Bayer und G. Korff (1991): Reisekultur. Von der Pilgerfahrt zum modemen Tourismus. München: Beck.