Kurs:Bildungswissenschaften /Community

School Projects Bearbeiten

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Unbedingte Universität Die Unbedingte Schule An der Unbedingten Schule kann sich unabhängig vom Alter jede_r mit jeder und jedem zusammen tun. Unterricht ist die Ausnahme. Wer ihn wünscht, organisiert ihn. Es wird gespielt. Projekte werden durchgeführt. Hier befinden sich zwei im Gespräch. Dort arbeiten drei an einem Computer. Eine_r liest die »Phänomenologie des Geistes«. Jemand betrachtet die Wolken am Himmel. Eine Gruppe baut am Schulhaus weiter. Keine Pausenglocke unterbricht die Konzentration, kein für alle verbindlicher Takt trennt das Lernen vom Leben. Generell gilt Gleitzeit: Jede_r kann Stunden ansparen und freinehmen, ohne Obergrenze. Ferienzeiten sind flexibel wählbar. Maßstab für das, was geschieht, ist das Interesse der vielen Einzelnen – von lateinisch inter esse, also: Inmitten-Sein, Dazwischen-Sein, und das bedeutet in der Regel, unterwegs zu sein, anders zu werden. Sich zu bilden.

Die Schule selbst ist veränderbar und wird anders. Die Schüler_innen und Mitarbeiter_innen gestalten sie. Die Schule ist also demokratisch. Sie wird von einer Schulversammlung geleitet, in der jede_r Schüler_in und jede_r Mitarbeiter_in eine Stimme hat. Demokratie ist nicht mehr Lernstoff, sondern eine Wirklichkeit, und das heißt: bleibende Aufgabe. Die Mitarbeiter_innen sind keine (Be-)Lehrer mehr, die Dinge erklären, nach denen keiner gefragt hat. Sie sind Mentor_inn_en, die einzigartige, eigensinnige Bildungs­prozesse begleiten und beraten – und zwar nach Bedarf. Wer einen Schulabschluss machen will, kann eine externe Prüfung ablegen. Die Schule unterstützt jede_n bei der Vorbereitung darauf. Die Schule ist offen für alle. Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen ist für sie selbstverständlich. Sie schließt einen Kindergarten mit ein, so dass sie von Kindern ab drei Jahren besucht werden kann. Sie öffnet sich nach außen und knüpft vor Ort und in der Region ein dichtes Netzwerk mit anderen Lernorten.

Code Schools Bearbeiten

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udacity Udacity was founded by three roboticists who believed much of the educational value of their university classes could be offered online.
Codeacademy Codecademy is a team of hackers working hard to build a better way for anyone to teach, and learn, how to code. We're determined to succeed in realizing our mission to turn a world of tech consumers into one of empowered builders.

Tuition Free University Bearbeiten

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We are a social entrepreneurship company that partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. We envision a future where the top universities are educating not only thousands of students, but millions. Our technology enables the best professors to teach tens or hundreds of thousands of students.

Through this, we hope to give everyone access to the world-class education that has so far been available only to a select few. We want to empower people with education that will improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the communities they live in.

People’s Open Access Education Initiative The People's Open Access Educational Initiative, the Peoples-uni, was registered in January 2007. Our aim is to help with Public Health capacity building in low- to middle-income countries, through Internet based education. The use of Open Educational Resources freely available on the Internet, and volunteers to staff the Initiative, allows this to be offered at very low cost.
University of the People (UoPeople)

University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s first tuition-free, non-profit, online academic institution dedicated to opening access to higher education globally for all qualified individuals, despite financial, geographic or societal constraints.

Founded in 2009 by educational entrepreneur Shai Reshef, UoPeople is affiliated with the United Nations GAID, the Clinton Global Initiative, and Yale Law School ISP. UoPeople has signed collaborative partnership agreements with New York University (NYU) to accept students; and with Hewlett-Packard (HP), through the Catalyst Initiative, to provide student internship opportunities. UoPeople offers undergraduate programs in Business Administration and Computer Science. To date, more than 1500 students from 132 countries have been accepted. Of students polled consecutively each term, 95% would recommend UoPeople to a peer.

Distant Learning University Bearbeiten

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glubal In Zeiten der globalisierten Arbeitswelt wächst der Bedarf an internationaler Bildung. Neue technologische Entwicklungen ermöglichen flexible digitale Lernformen. E-Learning wird weltweit beliebter und nimmt rasant zu. Wer sich heute qualifizieren will, ist mit dem Laptop an jedem Ort durch das Internet mit der ganzen Welt verbunden und kann jederzeit auf die Module von Studiengängen und Weiterbildungen zugreifen. So sind flexiblen Bildungsangeboten keine Grenzen gesetzt.

Connectivism Bearbeiten

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P2PU Peer2Peer University At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.
Open Study OpenStudy is a social learning network where students ask questions, give help, and connect with other students studying the same things. Our mission is to make the world one large study group, regardless of school, location, or background.
World University The Global, Virtual/Digital, Open, Free, {potentially Degree- and Credit-Granting},

Multilingual University & School where anyone can teach or take a class or course

School of Everything Nobody likes being told what to do. School of Everything is here so you can organise your education however you please. Lots of people think it is lovely as you can see from these nice words and shiny awards.
Wikiversity [1]
Rheingold U and Social Media Classroom
unclasses unclasses.org is a simple site that connects people who want to learn about a topic with those in their area who want to teach it. It’s basically a marketplace for matching interest with passion. The actual (un)classes can be whatever you want them to be. People in your area suggest things they want to learn, others join, and someone volunteers to teach. It’s that simple.

(un)classes are meant to be lightweight, fun, and unconventional -- the kinds of things you can't easily learn elsewhere. Some of our favorites so far include 'shopping for yore lady', 'How to Create The Greatest Rock Song of All Time', and 'how to be a digital nomad'. The system is set up to encourage creativity and keep things informal, so the only guidelines are the standard don't be offensive or do things that are illegal.

Service Learning Bearbeiten

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Skillshare International

Our vision is of a world without poverty, injustice and inequality where people, regardless of cultural, social and political divides, come together for mutual benefit, living in peaceful co-existence.

Skillshare International is an international volunteering and development organisation. We work in partnership with communities in Africa and Asia to reduce poverty, injustice and inequality and to further economic and social development.

We do this by sharing and developing skills and ideas, facilitating organisational and social change and building awareness of development issues:

International volunteering: Our development workers, short-term consultants and other volunteers share their skills with local colleagues in our partner organisations.

Our leadership development programme enhances the long-term strategic leadership capability of our partner organisations.

We work with our partners to access funding and develop strategies for financial sustainability.

Networking enables our partners to share information, learning and best practice with other organisations.

Participating in policy and advocacy activities enables our partners to advocate for positive change.

We work with medical students and health professionals to build awareness of development issues.

Universities Bearbeiten