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\title{{\bf Sweave -- Dynamic Interaction of R and \LaTeX{}


\vspace{2cm} \author{Nora Umbach} \date{Dezember 2009}


\thispagestyle{empty} \frame{\titlepage}

\begin{frame}{Why would I need Sweave?}

       \item Creating reports that can be updated automatically
       \item Statistic exercises
       \item Manuals with embedded examples (like R-help files, etc.)
       \item Avoiding copy/paste errors between analysis output and report
       \item Reproducible research


\begin{frame}[fragile]{R package xtable -- create export tables}

       \item Function converting an R object to an `xtable' object, which
        can then be printed as a LaTeX or HTML table
       \item \begin{verbatim}xtable(x, caption=NULL, label=NULL,
       align=NULL, digits=NULL, display=NULL, ...)\end{verbatim}
       \item Check \verb+print.xtable()+ for useful arguments
       \item Example:
    1. Taken from help(lm) in R 1.1.1
    2. Annette Dobson (1990) "An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models".
    3. Page 9: Plant Weight Data.

ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14) trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69) group <- gl(2,10,20, labels=c("Ctl","Trt")) weight <- c(ctl, trt) lm.D9 <- lm(weight ~ group) print(xtable(lm.D9)) print(xtable(anova(lm.D9)))



\begin{frame}[fragile]{R package xtable -- example}

       \item R output

> print(xtable(anova(lm.D9))) % latex table generated in R 2.9.2 by xtable 1.5-6 package % Mon Dec 07 14:53:44 2009 \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lrrrrr}

& Df & Sum Sq & Mean Sq & F value & Pr($>$F) \\ 

group & 1 & 0.69 & 0.69 & 1.42 & 0.2490 \\

 Residuals & 18 & 8.73 & 0.48 &  &  \\ 

\end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table}



\begin{frame}{R package xtable -- example}

       \item LaTeX output
   % latex table generated in R 2.9.2 by xtable 1.5-6 package
   % Mon Dec 07 14:53:44 2009
    & Df & Sum Sq & Mean Sq & F value & Pr($>$F) \\ 
   group & 1 & 0.69 & 0.69 & 1.42 & 0.2490 \\ 
     Residuals & 18 & 8.73 & 0.48 &  &  \\ 


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Sweave example}




In this example we embed parts of the examples from the \texttt{kruskal.test} help page into a \LaTeX{} document:

<<>>= data(airquality) kruskal.test(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) @ which shows that the location parameter of the Ozone distribution varies significantly from month to month. Finally we include a boxplot of the data:

\begin{center} <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) @ \end{center}




\begin{frame}[fragile]{How to use Sweave}

       \item File will be saved as {\G \verb+filename.Snw+}
       \item Then run {\G \verb+Sweave("filename.Snw", stylepath=T)+}
       \item R generates {\G \verb+filename.tex+} and possible figures (do not
       forget to set working directory in R!)
       \item Now compile {\G \verb+filename.tex+}
       \item Done!
       \item If you want only the R code from your {\G
       \verb+filename.Snw+} use {\G \verb+Stangle("filename.Snw")+} and R
       will create {\G filename.R} with only R code from the R chunks


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Useful options} \begin{verbatim} <<>>= starts an R chunk @ starts a documentation chunk

       (ergo ends an R chunk)


       \item options are defined by: `\verb+<<option>>=+' and seperated by
       \item {\G \verb+echo=false+} to hide R commands
       \item {\G \verb+results=hide+} when you do not want to have the
       results displayed
       \item {\G \verb+results=tex+} when output shall not be displayed as
       S output (for example when using {\G \verb+xtable()+})
       \item {\G \verb+fig=true+} when you want to insert a figure


\begin{frame}{Results of my thesis}

       \item Spatial cueing effects and awareness of target location:
       Evidence against early selection
       \item Subjects had to press a button when they saw a light (simple
       reaction time)
       \item With or without mirror, cue on right or left ear, light in
       right or left eye



   On Friedrich Leisch's homepage you will find all the information you
   need about Sweave:


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Exercise} Write your own .Swn-file and compile it into a PDF:

       \item Load the dataset {\G \verb+cars+} and write a few short
       sentences about it (where can you find information on the dataset?)
       \item Create a table with descriptive statistics of the dataset
       (use {\G \verb+caption+} and {\G \verb+label+})
       \item Plot the data in a scatterplot and draw the regression line
       (use {\G \verb+lm()+}, {\G \verb+abline()+})
       \item Put the parameters of your regression model in a table in
       your report
       \item {\sc Hint:} for all tables use {\G \verb+xtable()+}, remember
       options: {\G \verb+echo=false+}, {\G \verb+results=hide+}, {\G
       \verb+results=tex+}, {\G \verb+fig=true+}



   \begin{center}\Huge {\color{purple}{\bf Thank you for your attention!}}


\renewcommand\refname{} \begin{frame}{References}\small%[allowframebreaks]


