Projekt:FE Auswerteverfahren 1/Oberflächentemperaturen
Teilprojekt Oberflächentemperaturen |
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Mit Hilfe dieses Projektes soll aufgezeigt werden, wie man Land- und Wasseroberflächen (land surface temperature - LST und sea surface temperature - SST) mittels Messungen aktueller Satellitensysteme bestimmen kann und welche Probleme dabei entstehen.
Bearbeiten- Einleitung
- Motivation (Warum, weshalb)
- zum Thema hinführen
- Thema abgrenzen
- Strahlungstheoretische Grundlagen
- Das Emissionsvermögen
- Die Strahlungstemperatur
- Die thermodynamische Temperatur
- Die Strahlungsübertagungsgleichung
- Der Einfluss der Atmosphäre
- Problematik
- Atmosphärische Effekte
- Der Einfluss der Emissivität
- Fehler durch Messwinkel
- Störungen des Sensors
- Der Einfluss von Aerosolen und anderen gasförmigen Absorbern
- Wellenlängenungenauigkeiten
- Bandpass und FWHM Effekte
- Problem der Auflösung
- Gesamtfehler
- Methodik
- Sensoren zur Messung der Oberflächentemperaturen
- Split - Window - Verfahren
- Bestimmung der Meeresoberflächentemperatur mittels Mikrowellen
- Single - Channel - Verfahren
BearbeitenDie Bearbeiter dieser Gruppe tragen sich hier mit ihrer Signatur ein.
- --Ernie 14:32, 4. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --Krümel 14:32, 4. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --Weaver 14:32, 4. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --Datquietsche 21:44, 10. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --Mathias T. 23:05, 10. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --looserates 16:45, 11. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --kurzsichtig 16:45, 11. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --Spock 16:45, 11. Apr. 2007 (CEST)
- --judithschiller 10:50, 12. Ar. 2007 (CEST)
Bearbeiten- Becker, 1995 - Surface Temperature and Emissivity at Various Scales: Definition, Measurement and Related Problems.
- Becker, 1987 - The impact of spectral emissivity on the measurement of land surface temperature from a satellite.
- Chrysoulakis, 2002 - Improving the estimation of land surface temperature for the region of Greece: adjustment of a split window algorithm to account for the distribution of precipitable water.
- Dash, 2005 - Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval from Satellite Measurements.
- Dash, 2002 - Land surface temperature and emissivity estimation from passive sensor data: theory and practice-current trends International.
- Germain, 1998 - Polarimetric Emission Model of the Sea at Microwave Frequencies, Part II: Comparison with Measurements.
- Gleason, 2002 - Effects of orbital drift on land surface temperature measured by AVHRR thermal sensors.
- Jimenez-Munoz, 2007 - Error sources on the land surface temperature retrieved from thermal infrared single channel remote sensing data.
- Langille, 2001 - Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature Using Passive Microwave satellite Imagery.
- Li, 2000 - Deriving the operational nonlinear multichannel sea surface temperature algorithm coefficient for NOAA-15 AVHRR/3.
- Liebe, 1993 - Propagation modeling of moist air and sus-pended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz.
- Mathew, 2001 - Split-window and multi-angle methods of sea surface temperature determination: an analysis.
- Meissner, ?? - An Updated Analysis of the Ocean Surface Wind Direction - Signal in Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures.
- Oesch, 2002 - Oberflächentemperaturen aus NOAA - AVHRR Daten im Alpenraum.
- Peres and Camara, 2004 - LST and Emmisivity estimation based on the two-temperature method: sensitivity analysis using MSG/SEVIRI.
- Pinheiroa, 2007 - Near real time retrievals of LST within the modis rapid response system.
- Qin, 2001 - A mono-window algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from Landsat TM data and its application to the Israel-Egypt border region.
- Rivas, 2005 - Ground measurements for the validation of land surface temperatures derived from AATSR and MODIS data.
- Robinson, 1984 - The sea surface thermal boundary layer and its relevance to the measurement of sea surface temperature by airborne and spaceborne radiometers.
- Smith; Chauhan; Schmugge; Ballard - Remote sensing of land surface temperature: the directional viewingeffect
- Snyder, 1998 - Classification-based emissivity for land surface temperature measurement from space.
- Sobrino, 2004 - Land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat TM5 remote.
- Sobrino, 2004 - Single-channel and two-channel methods for land surface temperature retrieval from DAIS data and its application to the Barrax site.
- Sobrino, 1994 - Improvements in the split-window technique for land surfacetemperature determination.
- Sun, 2004 - Land Surface Temperature Estimation from the Next Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites: GOES M–Q.
- Walton, 1988 - Nonlinear Multichannel Algorithms for Estimating Sea Surface Temperature with AVHRR Satellite Data.
- Wentz, 1992 - Measurement of Oceanic Wind Vector Using Satellite Microwave Radiometers.
- Wentz, 1983 - A model function for ocean microwave brightness temperatures.
- Yeang, 1999 - Atmospheric effect on microwave polarimetric remote sensing of ocean surfaces.
- Yueh, 1999 - Polarimetric Microwave Brightness Signatures of Ocean Wind Directions.
- Yueh, 1994 - Polarimetric scattering and emission properties of targets with reflection symmetry.
- Zhengming, 1995 - A Viewing-Angle Dependent Split-Window Method for Retrieving Land-Surface Temperatures from Space.
- Zhengming, 1989 - Land-surface temperature measurement from space: physicalprinciples and inverse modeling.
Bearbeiten- "Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie": Animierte Meeresoberflächentemperatur - Karten für die Ost- und Nordee
- "Eine Zusammenfassung zur (Oberflächen-)Temperaturbestimmung der Universität Stuttgart (Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme)"
- "Europakarten der LST und SST etc. für verschiedene Jahre/ Monate und eine Vielzahl an Datenmaterial"
- "Lexikon der Fernerkundung - SST"
- "Lexikon der Fernerkundung - LST"
- "Informationen zum Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - AVHRR"
- "ausführlichere Informationen zum AVHRR"
- "Exploring Satellite Oceanography"
- "Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR)"
- "AATSR - concept"
- "Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS)"
- "CZCS"
- "day- / night algorithm"