Wikiversity:Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen/Einreichungen/Forschendes Lernen als Livestream in die Schule

  1. BÖNSCH, M. (2003): Unterrichtsmethodik für außerschulische Lernorte. Das Schullandheim 76 (2),4-10.
  2. MINNER, D.D., LEVY, A. J. & CENTURY, J. (2010): Inquiry-based science instruction – What is it and does it matter? Results from a research synthesis years 1984 to 2002. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 47 (4), 474-496.
  3. POTVIN, P. & HASNI, A. (2014): Interest, motivation and attitude towards science and technology at K-12 levels: A systematic review of 12 years of educational research. Studies in Science Education 50 (1), 85-129.